PCC welcomes reduction in crime

I recently held my Performance and Delivery Board meeting where I hold the Chief Constable to account. At these meetings, we discuss the progress the Force is making against the priorities I have set to support residents and businesses in the fight against crime and antisocial behaviour.

In the last three months that data was presented for (May, June and July 2023) there has been some good progress in a number of areas compared with the same period last year. I have highlighted below some of the main areas of improvement:

  • Victim-based crime is down 2.4%
  • Residential burglary is down 13.8%
  • Business and community burglary is down 13.3%
  • Violent crime is down 6.6%
  • Robbery is down 18.9%

In the same period, our County Lines and Gangs team has secured 192 charges, and our organised crime team has secured 14 charges whilst seizing 3380 cannabis plants and 64kg of amphetamines.

Over the Summer months there has been a concerted effort to address the antisocial behaviour problems that blight people’s lives. A significant issue has been off road motorcycles and other vehicles driven in an antisocial manner. This has been a county-wide focus for Kent Police that has led to a number of vehicles being seized – including e-scooters.

I will continue to report back to you about the actions the Chief Constable and I have been taking to make the county safer.

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