Making Tunbridge Wells safer

I met with Tunbridge Wells MP Greg Clark on Friday afternoon to discuss his ongoing work to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in the town.

He has successfully secured a review under the Community Trigger, which brought agencies together to discuss the problems and come up with a plan to address them.

During our meeting, we discussed increasing Police resources for the town centre, funding for prevention and diversion programmes, young people in the justice system and the partnership between the council and the Police.

Under the new neighbourhood policing model, you will start to see more PCs on the beat in the coming months and the establishment of a problem solving Neighbourhood Taskforce. In addition there will be officers allocated to schools again.

I have provided funding to the local council to run schemes that address crime and antisocial behaviour and I will welcome more bids from them to solve these problems.

And I am working with Kent Police to ensure that the front counter at the Police Station is open more often. We are recruiting more staff to ensure that it is available.

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