How one team secured over 2400 charges for burglary and thefts

The Crime Squad was established from your council tax three years ago to go after burglars, robbers and thieves.

Here’s how they’ve secured over 2400 charges, #MakingKentSafer.

The Crime Squad covers the entire county, with more than 30 officers operating across several different bases.

Among its ranks are specialist detectives and police officers who carry out intelligence-led patrols to disrupt criminals.

The team also has its own analyst, whose real time monitoring of crime trends allows the team to gather an intimate understanding of issues affecting a particular area.

These working arrangements mean the Crime Squad is able to quickly identify offenders, and proactively target them to stop them committing further offences.

From the time they went operational, their investigations have seen offenders jailed for 1,318 years. They have also made 850 arrests, carried out 428 warrants and issued 2,415 charges.

Over the past year alone, the team has locked up criminals for 405 years, carried out 140 warrants, made 240 arrests and received authority to issue 535 charges.

This is your council tax in action. And they’re not going away – these crimes won’t be tolerated in Kent!

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